Citizens Advisory of Pennsylvania serves the community by protecting our children and preserving parental rights with a focus on the following 8 priorities:
TITLE IX and Nondiscrimination policies - maintaining private spaces for male and female students and maintaining integrity on sports teams by keeping them exclusive to biological gender
Surveys and Data Mining - ensuring parental consent is obtained prior to any data collection
Divisive Content- including but not limited to Critical Race Theory, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and Social Emotional Learning, all of which categorize students based upon immutable characteristics
Public Participation/Free Speech - ensuring citizens have the ability to address their elected policy makers in order to hold them accountable
Adherence to PA and Federal Law - respecting the federally protected rights of parents when it comes to their children - HIPPA, FERPA, COPPA, and Parental Opt Out
Election Integrity - Ensuring local elections are free and fair in order to safeguard the democratic process and maintain trust in our electoral system
Fiscal Responsibility - overseeing how school boards are allocating funds and raising taxes
Academic Performance - investigating the root cause of why many schools are failing in Pennsylvania

Report an Incident at your school district you would like our organization to look into.
Your Donation can help
Fuel the cause
To help achieve our mission, we are asking for community support.
Citizens Advisory of Pennsylvania is now a 501c3 Non-profit Organization that allows for tax-deductible contributions